Lynbrook Job Shadow

Sponsored by Lynbrook High School PTSA

Before and on your Job Shadow Day
- Please login to your student account frequently and check the detailed information of your host until your job shadow day (to get the latest information). Sometimes host information is updated.
- Please check your school email frequently. Hosts will be sending important information to this email.
- Take your student ID and/or government photo ID to the job shadow site.
- If your host company has forms, please take them with you.
- Please dress appropriately and arrive early to your job assignment.
- Please be picked up on time
After your Job Shadow
- Send a Thank You email to your host and cc
- Take the Survey by clicking the Survey button above.

What is Job Shadow?

Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes in a television control room, or tour a state of the art robotics research and development company? Would you like to follow in the footsteps of a cutting edge Engineer, or work side by side with a Neo Natal Nurse?

Job Shadow is an academically motivating experience that provides students with a real look at the world of work while answering the all too common question, "Why do I have to learn this?"

On Monday, March 17th, 2025, Lynbrook students will have the opportunity to shadow workplace mentors through a typical day on the job. Lynbrook Students will find out what it is like to be a doctor, or a judge, or a chef, or a principal.

Students who participate in Job Shadow:

  • Start to identify career interests
  • Observe the daily routine of adults in the workplace
  • Gain an awareness of the academic, technical, and personal skills required for various jobs
  • Make the all important connection between school, work, and achieving goals
Lynbrook Students at VMWare posing for a picture of their Job Shadow day.

Lynbrook students at Electronic Arts

Lynbrook students posing for a picture at a restuarant during their job shadow day.

Lynbrook students at Rambus

Lynbrook students are perfect candidates for Job Shadow!

"I was able to experience the behind-the-scenes work of the news station and this visit reenforced the fact that knowledge is extremely important and how much the news can impact a society."
- Lynbrook Student 2024

"I learned a lot about the legal world that I didn't know about before. Also a lot about the process of a case and how things progress. It was a very fun experience."
- Lynbrook Student 2024

If you have questions, contact: